Let's Sue Psychiatry!
Let's Sue Psychiatry!
To everyone who bashes on Anti-Psychiatry, not realizing what we’re really about, here is a copy of our Principles of Unity..
Judge for yourself if we are extremists, or simply humanitarians in a desensitized world that values profits over people.
We Believe:
⦁ That psychiatry is not a legitimate field of medicine.
⦁ That psychiatry is a tool of social control which enforces conformity to the prevailing social order.
⦁ That "mental illness" is a semantically absurd concept which falsely conflates the abstraction known as the "mind" with the physical brain to mislead people into believing they have literal diseases.
⦁ That the psychiatric system cannot be reformed but must be abolished.
⦁ An end to all state support for psychiatry, including but not limited to the use of psychiatric testimony in legal proceedings; psychiatric screenings in schools, prisons, and workplaces; licensing of psychiatrists; and the use of public monies to support psychiatric programs or research.
We assert -- and plan to exercise -- our right as an oppressed class to self determination.

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