Daniel Brummitt Featured In American Paranormal Magazine!
Daniel Brummitt Is Featured In The October Issue Of American Paranormal Magazine! View All Press Releases

I'm thrilled to announce that my MoldMen Gallery will be Featured on Page 12 of the very spooky October, 2022 issue of American Paranormal Magazine!
American Paranormal Magazine is quickly becoming one of the leading online and print publications for the paranormal community. We are a nonprofit organization that publishes interesting stories about unexplained events and phenomena throughout history, including a wide variety of supernatural and mysterious topics including cryptids, ghosts and hauntings, telekinesis, UFOs, magic, mediumship, monsters, occult, mysticism, unusual news, and much more, while also exploring the way these things affect our cultures and belief systems. Our magazine publishes some of the most talented paranormal writers and paranormal researchers, and we feature the best up-and-coming and well-established paranormal investigators and teams alike. Magazines publish on the 10th of February, April, June, August, October, and December. Our organization hosts an annual OWLY Award for Paranormal Researcher of the Year, involves itself in fundraising for the members of the paranormal community, and we donate cash prizes to researchers of merit with need.

I created this artist collection as an attempt to save my now non-existing marriage, proving my sanity, that monsters truly are hiding in-between the cracks of shower tiles.
It is not schizophrenia to observe an image from a different light.
So, I did society a solid by displaying here some examples of the demons creeping in my bathroom.
Also, my apartment complex at that time would not fix anything.
I thought the irony it would be, if I took this scummy situation, and made millions selling my mold to rich people.
Haha, Enjoy! ~Daniel S. Brummitt
Real life Photograph of Ghosts, highlighted from black mold out of an old seedy shower wall...
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