#LinkedIN #Censorship
I've been using LinkedIN for a very long time, pretty sure it's my oldest active social media account.

In recent months however, my posts have been getting removed.
There's nothing in my content that I can see, which violates TOS.
As of this morning, my account has been completely restricted so I can't even log in.
When Reaching to them on Twitter, their support team was fast to respond, but maybe as a security protocol- acted like they didn't know what was going on.
I think they're setting a very bad example as a professional networking site to feed into political biasness.
I'm writing this review incase my site is shutdown and they close it out before I have a chance to make a copy of my most recent data with them.
Attached to this Link is a transcript of the conversation I had with LinkedIN via Twitter chat; and my tweets to them, which can be used for LinkedIN support in the future, so they can know how to better deal with false reporting, thus creating a healthier diverse networking environment overall.
My Tweets regarding the issue:
Detroit Artist gave LinkedIn 1 star via @Trustpilot https://trstp.lt/MXNxXCrqM
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