#Tumblr: #RacialAbuse Goes Ignored by #SupportStaff [Old post, but still relevant]

Tumblr touts itself as a place where people are free to express themselves however they see fit. Whether you’re reblogging your favorite cat videos or gawking over the latest pasty faced British actor all over BBC, it is often said that Facebook is for what’s on your mind, but Tumblr is for what’s in your heart. For those of us who use Tumblr to talk about our personal lives, lives that often include daily encounters with racism, Tumblr has become a sort of sanctuary where we can speak out against the trials of having a black body in a white supremacist society. We’re not the only ones who do it. People who are gay, lesbian, transsexual, transgender, disabled, undocumented, poor, fat, and every marginalization under the sun flock to the microblogging website to talk about their oppression, so much so that social justice is one of the most recognizable spectrums of Tumblr.

So why then does Tumblr staff allow some of their most dedicated users to be bullied, harassed, and threatened?

Read more here... https://theblackkidstable.wordpress.com/2012/07/30/racial-abuse-on-tumblr-goes-ignored-by-support-staff/




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