Every war; every scare, whether it be a #War on #Drugs, #Terror, or #Communism. It's all the same thing. It's #Fear language to #Control, #Divide, and to make #Money off your lack of #CommonSense.
Had an in-home care worker from Easter Seals years ago tell me that I would always be on meds.
I didn't disagree with her, I just kindly said "that if God wanted to, in his timing he could heal me."
She said, "Don't think so Dan, you're born this way, you will be taking them for life."
Her words; although untrue, made more sense than my preacher man at the time, who told me to simply quit cold turkey.
Although I had alot of things going on with me upstairs, I always had the ability to rationalize.
I could rationalize that I was dependent on these medications, which I made sure to take as prescribed everyday until it was time..
I also saw my preacher man's wife taking insulin, and that their word of faith theology was not backed by reality.
The case worker at Easter seals was a bigger woman who had weight issues, but I was not naturally heavy. She didn't understand that no matter how active and well I ate, it was the cocktail of medications that made me pack on the pounds.
Her and I were not the same.
Being a person tricked into taking medications half my life that nearly killed me multiple times; I would never push agendas which force drugs on anyone, and being a person who believed in these drugs, I would never tell someone to stop taking them if that's what they believe in.
It's the same way with Covid-19 and this rushed vaccine, the whole pandemic reminds me very much of a pseudo science mixed with 9-11 style propaganda.
It's frustrating explaining common sense to people. Especially when many of the aledged anti-vaxxers have been silenced and polarized for political power grabs, meanwhile, pharmaceutical companies have not presented consistent data or a clear science behind any of it.
Are ultra pro-vaxxers the nazi enablers entering the 21st century?
Seems like it, remember when law abiding musilms couldn't fly planes and had their places of worship interuped, all in the name of freedom?
We're all health terrorists now; unless we comply, wear a mask, and take a shot.
Every war; every scare, wheather it be a war on drugs, terror, or communism. It's all the same thing. It's fear language to contol, divide, and to make money off your lack of common sense.
So just lighten up on those who have less mainstream views than you. We're all in the same boat just trying to live a little. The biggest invisible enemy is your own mind blaming the wrong people.
I was hospitalized for the first time when I was 9 years old, and put on psychotropic medications. Continuing on through the course of my teen years, I spent over 7 birthday's, and Christmas(s) institutionalized. One year after my first hospitalization, my mother signed a contract with an EI school that said they would help with behavioral modification of my OCD rituals. However, that was not the case. The teachers and staff of this program sexually harassed and bullied us. When we fought back, they video taped only our reactions. The videos were then sold to Michigan State University's Psych program for research. I was one of the lucky ones, because my parents were 2nd generation tax paying citizens of the city where the program resided in. The ACLU got involved, not because of the abuse, but because I was denied my right to public education in my own school district. (I regret not suing.) I was then rehabilitated into a normal school setting, but monitored by former staff and a particular social worker from the program all the way until I dropped out of high school. At the age of 17 I hospitalized against my will, and by 19 was 277 Lbs. from the cocktail of medications they put me on. I was on 2000 mil of Depakote, 6 mils of Risperdal, plus a few more at one time. Throughout the course of my life, I've been on every psychiatric medication in the book. One day, about 4 years later, I had something of a divine Intervention occur. I don't know if I really was born mentally ill; mkultra'd, suffering from an Existential crisis, possessed by a jinn, demon; or the devil himself... All I know is that the voice in my head that used to harass me went away! It's been 10 years now. Thank God I took the leap of faith to stop my medications. Since then; I've been so much healthier, had I kept taking them, I more than likely would have ended up dead.
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