Many years ago, I participated as a survey taker for The Social Security Incentive Program. The program existed to give beneficiaries an accurate understanding of their benefits. I was really struggling with my parents and friend’s at the time who were calling me a bum for collecting a check. They’d say things like “why don’t you just get a job?” Thing is, I always worked. I wasn’t lazy, nor incapable of working. Logistically, when I calculated out all of the expenses it takes to commute to a job, plus other amenities Social Security covers, I was better off just collecting a check lol. I asked the lady on the last day of the program if she believed I was scamming the system? She said “no.” She said “your parents and community are just not understating of the times.” Then she said “there are song writers we have who collect Social Security Disability, and until they get their big break, they just keep collecting.” So, with a clear conscious, that’s what I did... I lived fru...